Project Title: Addressing protection and sexual and reproductive health needs of flash flood affected women, adolescents and transgenders, including pregnant women and women with disabilities
Project Period: September 2023- March 2024
Reporting Period: July 2023-June 2024
Project Location: Bandarban (Sadar & Lama) & Cox’s Bazar (Chakaria)
Financial Partner: Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) through UNFPA Bangladesh
Objective: MHM Kit Distribution to flood-affected adolescent girls (10–19 years), Capacity Building through training youth leaders and enumerators on MHM, SRHR, and GBV.
Target Beneficiaries: 5,550 adolescent Girls aged 10-19 years
Major Activities
- Orientation for youth leaders and enumerators on MHM, SRHR, GBV, emergency response, data collection, and sensitization: Under the CERF-funded project, the response expanded to additional areas in Bandarban (Sadar, Lama, Rowangchari) and Cox’s Bazar (Chakaria). Key activities included capacity development through training of 200 youth leaders (140 in Bandarban, 60 in Cox’s Bazar) on MHM, SRHR, and GBV, as well as 89 enumerators on data collection using Kobo tools. The enumerator training emphasized tool configuration, field testing, GBV guiding principles, and PSEA to ensure effective data management and ethical practices. The training was conducted on 16–17 October 2023 in Lama, 18–19 October 2023 in Bandarban Sadar, and 22–23 October 2023 in Chakaria. Additionally, in November 2023, a total of 228 youth volunteers were oriented on MHM, ASRHR, GBV, and distribution processes, with training sessions held on 10–11 November 2023 and 16–17 November 2023 in Chakaria and 20–21 November 2023 in Bandarban.
- Distribution of MHM Kits: The project aimed to distribute 4,626 MHM kits to adolescent girls, overcoming logistical challenges such as difficult terrain and exam schedules, with distribution commencing in November 2023 after verifying beneficiary data. For storage and logistics, 2,050 kits were kept in a rented warehouse in Cox’s Bazar, while 3,500 kits were managed by Green Hill in Bandarban. In 2024, a total of 924 MHM kits were successfully distributed as part of the ongoing project activities.
- Total 200 youth volunteers trained
- Total 89 enumerators (Chakaria-30, Lama-30, and Bandarban-29) got the data collection training on how to use KOBO tools.
- A total of 5,550 MHM kits were distributed to the targeted beneficiaries.