Humanitarian Response- Anticipatory Action

Project Title: Anticipatory Action
Project Period: July-Dec 2023
Reporting Period: July 2023-June 2024
Project Location: Gaibandha, Jamalpur, Sirajganj and Kurigram
Financial Partner: United Nations Population FUND (UNFPA)
Objective: Lifesaving GBV response services and ASRHR materials support are provided to women and adolescent girls affected by any natural calamity, and emergency.
Target Beneficiaries: Adolescent girls of age 10-19 years

Major Activities

    • Volunteers Training on Cash & Voucher Assistance, SMS Voucher Management and MHM: It was a two-day training and the main discussion points of the training were- briefing of Anticipatory Action project, Objectives of the Training, Orientation on Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), Orientation on Developed System by UNFPA and CWFD, Process of CVA in Anticipatory Action, Field Testing, Discussion on Menstrual Health Management (MHM) and GBV in Emergency, PSEA, and complaint and feedback response mechanism, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support & the Alapon Helpline.
    • Vendor’s Training on Voucher Assistance during Anticipatory Action: As a preparedness of monsoon flood of Jamalpur, the project selected 16 Shop owners from different upazilas who has smart phones and available data connectivity. Total 11 shop owners were presented in the training. A mobile App has been developed by an IT specialist and the shop owners got an orientation on it. Other topics of discussion were- briefing of Anticipatory Action project, Objectives of the Training, Orientation on Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), Orientation on Developed System by UNFPA and CWFD, Process of CVA in Anticipatory Action, Field Testing, Discussion on Menstrual Health Management (MHM) and GBV in Emergency, PSEA, and briefing on MHPSS.

Major Achievements

    • Enhance Disaster Preparedness through MHM and GBV awareness.
    • Implement Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) for emergency response.
    • Train Volunteers & Vendors on CVA, MHM, and emergency response mechanisms.

Note: From July to December 2023, CWFD implemented the Anticipatory Action Program to support adolescent flood-affected beneficiaries in Jamalpur, Sirajganj, Kurigram, and Gaibandha districts. The program engaged 200 volunteers and 23 coordinators for beneficiary verification, registration, MHM kit distribution, and sensitization on menstrual health and disaster preparedness.

Previous Project: Humanitarian Programme

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